Check out this great video
Hello and welcome to the Mermaid Kingdom! I love that you are here. I life and breathe music and have a very strong WHY.
I am sharing the joy of music w you and have so so so much to give! Sharing IS indeed caring! Share with friends, stream, and download it by clicking on the button below the video which will take you to your favorite streaming or downloading platform.
Thank you so much for the support towards my music and my visions and endeavors with Alexandrova School of Music and V1B1N. I am so grateful and happy to be able to walk the walk of my true calling and your support and the joy I bring to you is the driving force behind it! I am committed to be a positive example and lead the next generations with innovative ways to preserve the cultural wealth we have inherited through classical music (even in a rave format!).
I am a classical pianist that plays techno. But why, my mom asks and probably you are wondering as well.
Cuz I want you to actively engage with my art and dance, not yawn. My music is not about me and how I slay the piano but it is about you having fun.
Thank you so much for the suport!
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